The Splif Spot

Saturday, April 14, 2007

End of an era

This blog was fun while it lasted. But now its time to end it. Im graduating college, leaving Tallahassee, so it seems fitting. And I wasn't doing a good job anyways.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Two week till the grad party, see you there!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Im about to check out here. Headed down to Coral Springs for Spring Break, and Dana is just about here to pick me up. Ramens on the stove for some quick carb stuff before the long 7 hour drive. Lately I've been collecting large sums of music files from friends with my external harddrive, and listening to new music all the time. So i burned a few CD's for the drive and uploaded a clean set on my 1 gig iPod.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

put those pants back on!


and milo got Minnesota

and jill did her hair like pippy longstockings

and dana is beautiful as always

and milo and ryan visited me at work, with brownies

Friday, February 09, 2007


February with golden arms! Michael Parenti comes in two weeks, and a possible soul veg feast. It nice to plan events far in advance and take you time with it. Its funny it took me 4 years to learn THAT. For Parenti we had about 6 weeks to get everything ready, and we planned everything out one by one, especially PR. And now we have the Student Farmwork Alliance group starting up and after two meetings it looks like a good group of thinkers. We put together a 9 week time line for Chicago, watch for it, Festival of Resistance, April 13th!

Monday, January 15, 2007

a few from the glove

in common fashion

I have misplaced my camera. This morning I took some pictures of dana eating tofu scramble on the front poarch, then it disappeared. Wish I could upload some pictures, but for now, ill link to my new google photoalbums:

Happy MLK day, much respect for the late reverend. I listened to an Npr piece this afternoon about the union building he was working on when he was assassinated.

It felt like a long three day weekend, abusive partying because everyone excited to be back. Its a good vibe as far as i can see. School is settling in fine. My classes are a bit early in the morning, and theres several of them, but I'll be ok. Im especially looking forward to my Hispanic cinima class, since the movie list looks premium. CPE has some dedicated souls, and thats what its all about. Alexander Cockburn said something to that effect... something like, after the 60's the movement leaders went on to do really good work in nonprofits, small businesses, and even day to day life. I can see my self in 40 years reminiscing the FTAA protest, the tear gas, the rubber bullets.

Without the camera, this will have to suffice...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Google has started up its Picasa service which lets me upload and share photos (and entire photo albums). Ill work on it tonight...