The Splif Spot

Sunday, February 11, 2007

put those pants back on!


and milo got Minnesota

and jill did her hair like pippy longstockings

and dana is beautiful as always

and milo and ryan visited me at work, with brownies

Friday, February 09, 2007


February with golden arms! Michael Parenti comes in two weeks, and a possible soul veg feast. It nice to plan events far in advance and take you time with it. Its funny it took me 4 years to learn THAT. For Parenti we had about 6 weeks to get everything ready, and we planned everything out one by one, especially PR. And now we have the Student Farmwork Alliance group starting up and after two meetings it looks like a good group of thinkers. We put together a 9 week time line for Chicago, watch for it, Festival of Resistance, April 13th!