The Splif Spot

Sunday, September 24, 2006

2006 Encuentro

cande, maria, sarah sky, and me

john luna

This weekend Maria, Sarah, and I went down to Immokalee for the 2006 Encuentro (that's the conference held by Student Farm Worker Alliance). The weekend was packed with organizing and campaign strategy, mostly centered around the Taco Bell victory and the upcoming campaign against McDonalds. For anyone who is unaware, McD's is a large buyer of tomatoes harvested in Immokalee, and by pressing them we can improve the working conditions for the farm workers there. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers works closely with SFA, so the campaign supports the workers goals.

The SFA and CIW organized the weekend impeccably. They covered every aspect of info distribution, inclusiveness, empowerment, and education. Oh yea, and a kick ass dance party. At Tuesday's meeting we'll talk a bit more about the Encuentro and how we can move forward with the SFA and CIW.

It was great to see Cande and John Luna again, its been a while. I slept a couple nights at Cande's house, met his mother, and practiced my Spanish more than I have all semester. We ate lunch at this tiny Mexican place called the Tacarrita #2 (just down the street from Tacarrita #1), and it was definitely some of the best Mexican food I've ever had.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Peace Day

scotty gun, dishin it out

the rad-est crew, cpe on peace day

dunx, throwin peace signs

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Skating in the Union

Friday night Ryan milo and I went skateboarding on campus. There was this hardcore show in the Union, and all these boring hardcore kids and the boring music. After skating around for a while we met Lindsey up at waterworks, and i spent toooo much money. We should have hit a gas station and gotten drunk for 4 bucks. Danced. This whole dancing thing, ive been tryin it out lately. Was hungover Saturday morning.

Worked all weekend on the catalog, and didnt finish until tonight. Last night Milo got me out of the office to go to a party. The party was cool, lots of people I sort of knew, and small, and free drinks. We played Clemson yesterday, so the town was a bit... beligerent. And obnixious. Was hungover Sunday morning. I gotta remember to drink more water before i go to bed.

Friday, September 15, 2006


That word has consumed my life. Even now, stoned, I feel the need to be productive. Tonight was fun. Ryan, Milo and I just cruised around town with not much to do. We brought skate boards, even though I dont really know how to skateboard. I really just try to sail off ledges and stairs and land, balancing on the skateboard.

Did I say I was attacked by ants? Yea, the other day. And now my feet are covered in scabs and blisters. We were all going to do our laundry down on the corner, and after a good splif Mimi sparked up, I was standing outside looking at the firepit that had filled in with rain water. It was full of insects and dragonflies and floating leaves. I was so drawn in by the micro-ecosystem that i didnt realize the ants pileing up on my feet. Now i suffer, oh life is shit.

JK JK, life is great! We went to waterworks after the skateboarding and I landed some bold dance moves on Moniek. And Lindsay entertained us with her un-inhibited candor! Oh Allen Ginsburg why do I only want to read you? Its really just this one poem, something about the transcription of organ music, and it talks about a plant and how it is so basic. It only has a desire to exist, and is perfect in it's simplicity. Oh cannibis, so simple and perfect. Blouuugh, the best part of tonight was when we stopped at some random house to see if the guy was selling any coke. We were way off, and somehow I had to do the talking, and i was totally sketched out. The guy was all like "im not into that sort of think, but dont worry i wont call the cops on you".

Im falling asleep, zzzzzzzzzzzzz...


--CPE is a fun place to hang out!

And tonight, Im heading over to Milo's. A bunch of kids are going to this techno hardcore band. Its free, so im in, with a couple bruskies. Sunday Mike, Luis and I will probably ride out to a sink hole and swim. Fall is comming, and with it cold weather and halloween. Fall is definately my favorite season. It starts out with a burning man and a birthday. Get to try out a new age which somehow placebos me into maturity every year. Halloween rolls around with cooler weather. People seem to settle a bit, esspecially in the classes and routine of everything. Then it gets cold.

I really need to move back to Michigan. Which, actually, I've been thinking alot about lately. Grandma has an extra room, and she could probably use the help around the house/ driving to the store. Billie... well, we'd have to work something out, shes been so good lately. But lots of people play with her and walk her here, shes pretty spoiled for a dog.

I dont exactally smoke ciggaretts right now. This summer I smoke a bunch though, and when I got my new camera i spent alot of time taking pictures of the poarch and smoking pot. A summer of sloth. But it was much needed, after a very stressing spring semester. But now I just bum them off people, which i bet gets really anoying. But Ryan actually gets me to smoke more, I think so he can have someone to leave places to go smoke with. Thats cool though, but ive always said i dont have an adictive personality.



Started hanging out with Jennifer again. Shes depressing sometimes, but still really fun to hang out with. I have got to get new friends though. Since I've dated Jennifer I've been so sick of overanalyzing feminism and male chauvinism. Weird that I got into this thing with Sara Sky cause we talk so much about gender and queer shit. All of it really interests me, but I really want to cut loose and go crazy and drug out and do alot of CPE stuff and know lots and lots and lots of people. What like 7 months left in this town? Is that right?

And after Tallahassee, where too? I dont think im ready to work. I have to go back to school. Or else I have to join the real world and i know, I know, that I wont make enough money and I'll just get sucked into the grind. Or not. But I want to start a business, and Im too young still. Well, 23 when i graduate, I guess thats not that young.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Before i go to bed...

Up late working on spanish homework... and watching Darkman on the TV. Its pretty good for a cheap early 90's action movie. I digress...

I hope this panel next week goes smoothly. So far we only have 2 out of the four panelists, and thats crazy. I have 5 days to get two more. Today, I got up late and gave Billie a nice walk. I think i might be comming down with something, so that extra sleep was great. Tomorrow i got to get up at like 9, so i better head to bed.

Darkman has a sick face.

And heres one for the good ole days of '05:

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

CPE Keeps me busy

Work on CPE stuff alot today. Work up a bit late and got sara to take me out for breakfast, like a sly conman. Tried to give her gas money, she denied. The girl has no gas in her car, thats gotta be pride or something. Spent a couple hours in CPE trying to pull in speakers and cosponsors for this Israel Lebanon event next week. Its been pretty intense, just talking to tons of people and getting "contacts" everywhere. Im trying to use all the staff and all the "resources" they offer, like asking for advice on event planning. They really like that.

But yea, class, then the CPE meeting. On top of all that I didnt have any time to print out fliers for the meeting, and thats when I realized that over the past week or so, ive taken on this event practically alone. Jessie helped at first, but I think i just kinda took over and kept her updated. Anyways, it definately became a problem when I didnt have enough time to do everything. Gotta fix that.

Dont you hate when you get caught on the wrong side of the argument, and you realize you sound like an ass.

I just so fricken lucky.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

sara sky

billie on a rainy day

laundry day

my new computer has photobooth

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Morning at the Mansion

So much activity lately, so now i feel like just sitting at home and relaxing. Still, no school tomorrow mean Sunday turns into a party night. 80's night at Brothers? Little Miss Sunshine?

Sarah Sky is brilliant, and if anything i hope to learn as much as i can from her durring this period of infactuation. Ive been interested in alot of Ecofeminism this summer, actually reading about it and realizing alot about myself and my own idologies. But Sarah talks about Queer theory, and though I havent read or researched it at all, it sounds very empoweing and liberating, for me atleast. Basically, I could identify as a lesbian rather than a straight male, or a lesbian male. I guess being a fan of Ani Difranco and Judy Grahn and Maya Angelo doesnt make you a lesbian, but it makes ya think.

I uploaded a whole album of pictures i took this morning onto Facebook too.

Yesterday I went to check out Tomatoe Land when Bret was working. I was impressed by the variety of hierlooms and local produce, and I bought a pomagranate, hierloom tomatoes, two pears, and a bag of collards from gainsville. Last night i cooked the collards with coconut mike, ginger, and some tomatoes and it tasted exquisit, probably the best dish i have in my book.

I decided not to smoke pot, at least for a little while. I wouldnt mind having some to make a joint or spliff everynow and then, but when im high im starting to get selfconciously introverted and paranoid, so i figure id take a break. Plus it will help me save money.