The Splif Spot

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Morning at the Mansion

So much activity lately, so now i feel like just sitting at home and relaxing. Still, no school tomorrow mean Sunday turns into a party night. 80's night at Brothers? Little Miss Sunshine?

Sarah Sky is brilliant, and if anything i hope to learn as much as i can from her durring this period of infactuation. Ive been interested in alot of Ecofeminism this summer, actually reading about it and realizing alot about myself and my own idologies. But Sarah talks about Queer theory, and though I havent read or researched it at all, it sounds very empoweing and liberating, for me atleast. Basically, I could identify as a lesbian rather than a straight male, or a lesbian male. I guess being a fan of Ani Difranco and Judy Grahn and Maya Angelo doesnt make you a lesbian, but it makes ya think.

I uploaded a whole album of pictures i took this morning onto Facebook too.

Yesterday I went to check out Tomatoe Land when Bret was working. I was impressed by the variety of hierlooms and local produce, and I bought a pomagranate, hierloom tomatoes, two pears, and a bag of collards from gainsville. Last night i cooked the collards with coconut mike, ginger, and some tomatoes and it tasted exquisit, probably the best dish i have in my book.

I decided not to smoke pot, at least for a little while. I wouldnt mind having some to make a joint or spliff everynow and then, but when im high im starting to get selfconciously introverted and paranoid, so i figure id take a break. Plus it will help me save money.


  • The self consciences introvert is not the man who goes out and picks up mad amounts of ladies.

    But at the same time, do I want to be that person anyway.

    (so drunk right now)

    By Blogger Sethery, at 5:37 PM  

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