The Splif Spot

Friday, October 06, 2006

This dream...

Last night I dreamed I was walkin around with some kids and someone passed me a joint, only, it was "organic extacy" in some grass form. Smoked it, got stoned, and woke up. It was weird, I woke and my lip was swolen to the size of a grape. So I took billie for a long walk and ate some breakfast, and now its not swolen at all.

Yesterday I went to Olive Garden for Jessie's birthday. I havent been there in years, and it seems waaay more expensive than I remember. Afterwards I biked over to Doug Shrocks house to meet with him and Daphne. Schrock is a professor I had a few semesters back, the Global Justice Movement. He's really smart and in tune to a lot of the shit going on in this country. If I decide to go to grad school I would ask him to write me a letter.


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